a.c.or AC alternating current交流电
ACEC advisory committee on electromagnetic compatibility电磁兼容顾问委员会
ADSL asymmetric DSL非对称数字用户环路
AE auxiliary equipment辅助设备
AF audio frequency音频
AM amplitude modulation调幅
AN access network接入网
ANE access network equipment 接入网设备
CDMA code division multiple access码分多址
CDN coupling/decoupling network 耦合/去耦网络
CIGRE international conference on large HV electric systems 国际大电网会议
CISPR international special committee on radio interference 国际无线电干扰特别委员会
CPE customer premises equipment 用户驻地设备
CRT cathode ray tube 阴极射线管
d.c.or DC direct current 直流电
dpf dedicated power feed 专用供(馈)电
DSL digital subscriber loop 数字用户环路
EFT/B electrical fast transient /burst 电气快速瞬变/突发
EIRP equivalent isotropically radiated power 等效全向辐射功率
EMC electromagnetic compatibility 电磁兼容性
emf electro-morive force 电动势
EMF electro-magnetic field 电磁场
EPR earth potential rise 地电位升高
ERP effective radiated power 有效辐射功率
ESD electrostatic discharge 静电放电
EUT equipment under 受试设备
GDT gas discharge tube 气体放电管
GV high voltage 高电压
ICNIRP international commission on non-ionizing radiation protection 国际非电离辐射保护委员会
IEC international electrotechnical commission 国际电工委员会
ISDN integrated services digital network 综合业务数字网
ISM industrial, scientific and medical (equipment) 工业的,科学的和医学的(设备)
ITE information technology fquipment 信息技术设备
ITU-T international telecommunication union-telecommunication standardization sector 国际电信联盟电信标准局
LCL longitudinal conversion loss 纵向转换损耗
LCTL longitudinal conversion transfer loss 纵向转换传输损耗
LE local exchange 本地交换
LEMP lightning electromagnetic pulse 雷电电磁脉冲
LI line interface 线路接口
LPS lightning protection system 雷电保护系统
LPZS lightning protection zone 雷电保护区
LT line termination 线路终端
MDF main distribution frame 总配线架
MOV metal-oxide varistor 金属氧化压敏电阻
n.a. not applicable 不可用
NT network termination 网络终端
OATS open area test site 开阔试验场
o/c open circuit 开放电路
pfv power feeding voltage 供电电压
PNI public network interface 公用网接口
PRBS pseudo random bit sequence 伪随机比特序列
PSTN public switched telephone network 公用交换电话网
PTC positive temperature coefficient(resistor) 正温度系数
RF radio frequency 无线电频率
RFI radio frequency interference 射频接口
RFT remote feeding telecommunications circuit 远供通信电路
RFT-G remote feeding telecommunications circuit-current limited 远供通信电路-限电流
RFT-V remote feeding telecommunications circuit-voltage limited 远供通信电路-限电压
RSE remote switching fquipment 远端交换设备
SA specific absorption 比吸收能
SA semi-conductor arrester 半导体避雷器
SAA semi-conductor arrester assembly 半导体避雷器组件
SAR specific absorption rate 吸收率
SAP specific absorption power 吸收功率
SELV safety extra low voltage 安全超低电压
SLIC subscriber line interface circuit 用户线路接口电路
SPD surge protective device 浪涌保护元件
SPL sound pressure level 声压级
SSA solid state arrester 固体避雷器
TCE telecommunication centre equip电信中心设备
TDMA time division multiple access 时分多址
TN trunk network 干线网
TNV telecommunication network voltage 电信网电压
RSD universal serial bus 通用串联总线
RPS uninterruptible power supply 不间断电源
VDSL very high speed DSL 调整用户数字环路
VDU visual display unit 视频显示单元
UIC international union of railway 国际铁路联盟
xDSL digital subscriber loop x数字用户环路